Delhumide (Tharch)
Once the most populous district of old Thay in the days of Mulhorandi rule, the tharch of Delhumide is now thinly settled. Stretching from Lake Thaylambar to the Gorge of Gauros and bounded on the east and west by the River Thay and the River Gauros, Delhumide is a broad land of open plains and few people. The tharch could easily support a much greater population, except that demons, ghosts, and sleeping spells of deadly malevolence taint the countryside for miles around the ruins of the old capital and the province’s abandoned estates.
With the exception of some farmland along the river valleys, Delhumide is mostly used as open range for large herds of cattle. Tharchion Invarri Metron (LE male human Ftr11) governs the land from his palace at Umratharos, a small city at the bend of the River Thay. He has little interest in the ruins of the old capital but is happy to collect a cut of any wealth recovered by adventurers picking through the wreckage.